Community WASH Promoters in Mutura Village with water filters that they will promote to the Batwa Community
The Batwa Community
Batwa community is one of the marginalized communities that lives in Mutura village, Rubavu
district located along the shores of Lake Kivu in Rwanda. Their livelihood depends on a portion of the country’s forest ecosystem, originally practicing hunting and gathering but have
slowly transitioned to smallholder farming. For a long time now, they have relied on unsafe water sources which exposes them to waterborne diseases.
Africa Bora Ministries (ABM), one of the local groups who are intervening to help the Batwa
community, introduced a deworming program as working solution to waterborne diseases,
but it did not dispel the consumption of unsafe water. Many of the Batwa people lack knowledge on proper water and sanitation practices which furthers the need for intervention.
Thanks to the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST), ABM partnered with ACK, to provide training on WASH solutions within the community. We trained 20 Community WASH Promoters (CWPs), on the WASHiriki model to enable them to promote behavior change leading to improvement of their WASH.